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After Care the women are advised to absolutely restrict their physical activities for the first 24-48 hours. Then until a pregnancy test is performed approximately 9-12 days post transfer to moderately restrict their activities. There is no need of prolonged bed rest. Strenuous exercise and unnecessary activities may be avoided so are long distance travels.

The woman is advised to continue the progesterone vaginal tables (gel) or injection to use daily. Sometimes hCG injections are advised twice a week. This is to maintain hormones levels during the second half of the cycle to facilitate implantation.

Luteal Phase Monitoring & Support consists of monitoring of blood levels of βhCG (pregnancy tests), and sometimes progesterone. Serum βhCG levels are done 12 days after the transfer to detect chemical pregnancy. If pregnancy test is positive close monitoring of the early pregnancy is advisable.

The first ultrasound for detection of the baby's heartbeat and evaluation of the number of embryos implanted is usually done in the 4th week post transfer. Gestation sac and embryo with heart beat will confirm a vital pregnancy . An implantedIVF pregnancy behaves in the same way as the natural conception.

After IVF and Embryo Transfer Implantation is successful in 30-40% cases out of which 20-40% is rejected in early stages of pregnancy. The success in all the stages results in successful pregnancy.

The chances of multiple births are increased when more than one embryo is transferred. Women with multiple pregnancies have a much higher risk of complicated pregnancies, which may include preeclampsia, miscarriage, premature labor and delivery, stillbirth, birth defects, and other complications.

When pregnancy occurs following IVF, it will typically be a normal pregnancy. However, there is always a risk of abnormal pregnancy, miscarriage or other problems. This is because the process of IVF-ET does not protect against such occurrences. Congenital & genetic abnormalities, mental retardation or other birth defects which occur in approximately 3% of spontaneously conceived pregnancies may also occur in children born following assisted reproductive techniques. Following a successful IVF-ET, the patient works closely with her obstetrician to ensure a successful pregnancy and delivery of the baby.

During an IVF treatment cycle, enormous amount of information is gathered of the fertility patterns of the concerned couple. Subsequent management and advice is based on this information.

Generally the overall success rates in IVF are 25% to 40 %. These rates are not specific to the individual couples. These are calculated out of the total number of couples who had a particular treatment and NOT for the couple being treated. If a couple succeeds in first attempt, it is 100% success for them, if fails, it is 100% failure. One’s success or failure can not be passed on to the others. Chance of success in a particular case can be predicted considering the other similar couples but not with certainty.

With modern facilities every deprived couple can be properly evaluated and some form of treatment offered if the woman has uterus or ovary and the man has sperms.

IVF may not be successful in the first cycle. IVF couple should be encouraged to talk for understanding of the cycle and to actively participate in planning for future treatments.

In case of failure 3 IVF treatments advised to be carried on. In some cases alternatives are discussed.

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