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Often there are no defects or hindrances. Women by nature are not capable of conceiving all the time. There is only a short period (Approximately 3 days) in their monthly cycle when they can conceive. This is their fertile period when egg (Ovum) matures and comes out of its shell (follicle). Woman’s fertility is at its peak with the maximum chances to get pregnant at her fertile period. The cervical mucus is fertile type which assists sperms to ascend. There is possibility of conceiving if the wife and husband have sexual intercourse during this period only. At other times is not Fruitful.

This fertile period is in the middle of the cycle (12th -15th day) in women who menstruate regularly every month. It is variable in women who have irregular periodic cycles. It is the time when egg (Ovum) matures and comes out of its shell (follicle). The viability of this egg after coming out of follicle is only 18-36 hours after which it looses its fertilizing receptivity. It is stated that there is a window of only 8 hours when receptivity of the ovum is at its peak. At non-fertile times of the wife, her body secretions are unfavorable to the sperms and do not let them ascend. Coitus at such times may not be Fruitful.

Sperm can survive after entering the woman’s body at her fertile period for 48 to over 100 hours. At non fertile times of the wife, her body secretions are unfavorable to the sperms and do not let them ascend. The possibility of the wife to be pregnant therefore is if she receives sperms within 2 days before and during the period of ovulation (3-4 days in total). In many couples, this simple factor is the reason that the wife has not been pregnant. Probably the circumstances have kept the couple separate at the desired time.

In each ovum there is a certain locus of entry through which sperm can penetrate it. Single ovum reaches the ampullary part of an oviduct where several sperms surround it to try to enter at different points. If a sperm is successful to find the nidus for entry at the peak of its receptivity, fertilization will take place, otherwise this opportunity will be lost and the couple will have to wait for the next suitable occasion. This simple fact may be reason in a fertile woman not getting pregnant each time. It demands that a few ova, generally accepted to be 12 should be exposed before embarking on investigations. The ova and sperms need good genetic constitution to perform their function before any other factor sets in.

Women can recognize their fertile period by observing mucus discharge from the cervix of the uterus. It is in abundance and is like the white of a raw egg. The women also have a feeling of wetness around this period. Couples can use these characteristics to achieve and prevent pregnancy. To achieve, coitus is done and for not getting pregnant it may be avoided during this fertile period.

Only a small proportion of couples have fertilization failure. >80 % are post fertilization failures in which the embryo or fetus are lost at various stages of implantation, development and growth. The following statistics are of interest.

  • Fertilityis based on a monthly conception rate of 20 % in healthy couples living together and having frequent unprotected coitus.
  • Nearly 95 % of normal couples should conceive within 13 months. 5% more conceive by the end of 2 nd year without treatment. The rest need treatment.
  • Nearly 20 % couples of reproductive age consult for fertility problems.
  • 12 to 16% remain childless after one year’s uninterrupted relationship
  • 9 % after 2 years marriage remain without fertility.
  • 5 % remain childless after treatment which includes ART.
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